Pearson Education Organization
Pearson is leading names in education to provide a blend of content, curricula, assessment, training and technology to make learning more engaging and effective.
They offer academic and vocational qualifications that are globally recognized and benchmarked, with educational excellence rooted in names like Edexcel, BTEC, EDI and LCCI. Their academic qualifications include Edexcel GCSE, Edexcel A level, Edexcel International GCSE and the Edexcel Certificate (International GCSE for UK state schools).
BTECs are high-quality, career-focused qualifications grounded in the real world of work. BTEC courses focus on skills-based learning and are designed around themed units. This practical approach allows BTEC learners to develop and apply the knowledge and skills that employers, colleges and universities are looking for.
You can study a BTEC alongside (or instead of) GCSEs or A Levels at school or college or as a qualification at a training provider centre allowing you to start building the skills you’ll need after you leave education, now. BTEC Works.
Some basic information about BTEC qualifications: There are over 7,000 BTEC training centers operating in more than 90 countries around the world; Over 1,000,000 BTEC degrees are awarded each year and are assessed for more than 9,000,000 exams worldwide. More than 100 institutions allow subject exemptions, or recognize Pearson BTEC HND / C holders as successful. Over 70% of undergraduate programs in the UK accept Pearson BTEC HND graduates for final year to earn a bachelor’s degree. More than 700 universities around the world recognize Pearson BTEC. View more information about the University Pearson Education – United Kingdom: https://qualifications.pearson.com
BTEC Diploma
A special feature of BTEC diploma is that students can choose the study model that suits them. BTEC provides both academic and practical skills at the same time, which helps students determine the future direction to choose the appropriate field of study and time.
BTEC is a high-quality international diploma, focusing on practical training based on the requirements of the job. Students can know how to study effectively and achieve success in their careers. Moreover, with a well-trained knowledge base, students with BTEC degree can enroll at prestigious universities around the world such as Oxford University, Cambridge University, University of West London, RMIT University, William Angliss Academy, etc.Besides that, students can achieve multinational career standards, have a global career by recognition from international organizations and employers.